Assistance for olive groves
In addition to customising our clients’ olive tree groves, we provide assistance for their implementation. Our great experience in groves implementation gives us the tools needed for a satisfactory implementation at the best price.
Types of groves:
- – Traditional
- – Intensive
- – Superintensive
- – Strengthening of groves
- – Renewal of groves
- – Change in varieties, etc.

What we do:
Grove customisation, variety selection, planting distances, tutor and protector placement, customisation and implementation of irrigation systems, trellis and any other suitable tool.
All these procedures take place if necessary. If only one procedure is needed, the pertinent examination is conducted for the purpose.
Post-grove implementation guidance:
In addition to all of our services, we also offer guidance and crops management services during the their first few years in order to ensure the optimal development of groves, especially on those with individual characteristics such as novel varieties, problems in the farming business, etc.